

  Thank you to everyone who purchased the UK/EU/ROW Badlands edition from us directly.  This is a limited edition of 500, black vinyl (noted UKEU Press) Those records have arrived in London and will be shipped directly to everyone who purchased the record from us early next week.  They will also be available in stores starting at Rough Trade in London, this week.

  If you are awaiting delivery of an already purchased Badlands and you live in the UK, EU or ROW, your record will ship next week.  Records purchased after today's announcement will not be shipped for two weeks.  If you are trying to purchase our records directly and are "having trouble" it is probably the web browser you are using.  To circumvent this issue, just make a direct Paypal payment for the amount of your purchase, identify what you are purchasing and use our email for the payment.

  Thank you to everyone for their patience, we know it's been a long wait.  Our UK/EU/ROW distributor is Italian Beach Babes: please direct specific UK/EU wholesale inquiries to him.  You can buy the UK EU edition from this website as well.