
Woven Bones *Minus Touch EPs* Are Selling Rapidly

Fewer then 50 left for direct purchase, which could be as few as three distro orders... in theory.
Thank you to everyone who has ordered so far, your records have either been shipped, or are shipping soon. We hope everyone is looking forward to ZM 004, Reading Rainbow Restless 7" and ZM 005, Beaters White Hate 7", both of which are "in production" and will be available for purchase later this fall.

Here is a proof of the Reading Rainbow Restless 7" artwork:

ZM 004: Reading Rainbow Restless 7"

If you would like to know first when this record is available for sale, please agree to be on our mailing list by emailing us at zoomusicgirls@gmail.com. Like the Minus Touch EP, the Reading Rainbow Restless 7" is limited to an edition of 500.